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7. Legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet offer from which this page was referred. If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.


Data protection – Public procedure directory

SGB X §81 paragraph 4 in conjunction with §4g or §4e BDSG stipulates that the data protection officer must make the following information available to everyone in an appropriate manner:

Name of the responsible bodyPriv.-Doz. Dr. med. Karl Philipp Kutzner

Address of the responsible bodyENDOPROTHETICUM

Special practice for joint replacement and joint surgery

On the journey 15

55124 Mainz


Purpose of data collection, processing or use Medical practices are facilities in which illnesses, ailments or physical injuries are to be diagnosed, cured or alleviated through medical assistance. In order to be able to carry out these tasks, the following personal data is collected, stored and used:

    Patient's insurance relationshipCarrying out the treatmentDocumenting the treatmentChecking and granting of benefitsSettling with the cost bearers and other service providersAdvice on prevention and rehabilitation measuresStatistical purposes / expert opinions

The human resources department processes employees’ personal data for payroll purposes.

a description of the groups of people affected and the relevant data or data categoriesPatient data:

    General data: Name, first name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address (voluntary), profession, employer. Data on the referring, co-treating doctor: title, name, first name, address, specialty, telephone and fax number. Data on health insurance: name of the statutory / private health insurance, additional insurance for the inpatient stay, key of the cost carrier, insured status and number, IK number, if applicable, exemption from co-payment, other required information (SKT supplements). Treatment data: accompanying persons, documents brought along, anamnesis, findings, diagnoses, secondary diagnoses, therapy, allergies, service and billing data, for outpatient / inpatient admission: accompanying persons, time of admission and discharge, details of the ward, documentation of the anesthesia / operation performed, prescribed medication, forms issued, follow-up treatment and care after the operation, if applicable, registration at rehabilitation facility. Data on the follow-up treating doctor: name, address, specialty, telephone and fax number. Data on the follow-up treating rehabilitation facility: Name, address, telephone number

Employee personal data:

    Contract and master data, data for wages/salary/pensions, data for social and pension insurance, job and function-related data, personnel planning data, qualification and training data, data processing data, user data (access and protocol data), internal data (telephone, fax, e-mail)

Suppliers and business partners:

    Contact person, company name, address, telephone and fax number, email

Recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data may be communicated

    Private health insurance companies / statutory health insurance companies / MDK - suppliers / business partnersRehabilitation facilitiesDistrict administration office (social and welfare office)Insurance companies (accident and social insurance, pension insurance)Professional associationsSocial courtsFurther and co-treating doctors / institutions, referring doctors, patients (when transmitting findings upon request and presentation of a waiver of confidentiality by the patient)Cooperation partnersInstitutes for laboratory medicineInstitutions responsible for the studies

Standard deadlines for the deletion of dataThe retention periods for medical documents prescribed by law are adhered to.

A planned data transfer to third countriesData transfers to third countries do not take place, with the exception of the data collected when using Google maps or Google Analytics when visiting the website.

Right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, objection and data portabilityAs a patient, you have the right to receive information about the data we have recorded about you; to correct, delete, restrict and object to the data. You also have the right to receive it in a transferable form.

Right to withdraw consentYou can withdraw your consent to the planned use of your data at any time. However, this may make appropriate medical treatment difficult or impossible, meaning that treatment must be terminated.

Right to complain to a supervisory authorityYou have the right to complain to a supervisory authority.The competent authority is:

The Data Protection Officer RLPProf. Dr. Dieter KugelmannHintere Bleiche 34

55116 MainzE-Mail:

Required provision of data The provision of the above-mentioned data is partly required by law, partly it serves to ensure the smooth process of your treatment. Failure to provide the data can lead to a suboptimal or inappropriate treatment process.

Automated decision-making and profilingNo automated decision-making or profiling takes place with your data.

Data Protection Officer

Due to the small size of the company, the appointment of a separate data protection officer is not necessary.

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